990 Whitehorse Road Accessibility team recognised at Victorian Disability Awards
On 16 August, the Serco 990 Whitehorse Road Accessibility team attended the Victorian Disability Awards ceremony in Melbourne. The awards, now in their seventh consecutive year, recognise people and organisations who make outstanding contributions to empowering people with a disability and creating an inclusive community. More than 250 people came together to celebrate the achievements of all finalists.
The Serco Citizen Services team was a finalist in the ‘Excellence in employment outcomes’ category, which acknowledges organisations that are focused on improving employment outcomes for people with a disability. Serco was the only business shortlisted amongst an array of not-for-profit organisations.
When setting up 990 Whitehorse Road in Box Hill, Serco established an Accessibility Team with the mission of creating a physical and cultural working environment that was welcoming, accessible and supportive for people with a disability. The team also worked closely with the recruitment specialists to develop a recruitment strategy to attract people with a disability to join Serco.
As a result of their efforts Serco now has a pool of highly talented people from diverse backgrounds who make a valuable contribution to the business. Serco’s inclusive practices are complemented with a working partnership with ECHO Employment Services and IPA Diversity Recruitment who assist in identifying suitable candidates and, together with Serco, provide support throughout their employment.
Serco Business Development Director Lylea McMahon congratulated the team on their achievements. “The team at Serco is very proud of the outcomes we are achieving in making a difference in people’s lives,” she said.
“Congratulations on being recognised at the Victorian Disability Awards. It’s a testament to the tremendous work you have done in creating an inclusive and accessible working environment at Box Hill.”
Image: Martin Foley MP, Minister for Housing, Disability & Ageing; Mental Health; Equality; Creative Industries with members of the 990 Whitehorse Road Accessibility team.