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Delivering transport services that transform travel experience Transport

Building capacity and delivering world leading transport systems

Around the world, Serco operates the full spectrum of transport systems from air and seas to road, delivering innovative and sustainable transport solutions. 

We help governments to overcome urban congestion and maintain vital transport links. We manage complex transport programmes that deliver reliable performance, build future capacity, and keep citizens and economies moving. 

By focusing on the end-to-end passenger journey, delivery of operational excellence, and the application of intelligent systems and analytics, we are able to design and run more efficient transport services to deliver a better passenger experience. 

years of Road & Toll management in Hong Kong
aviation sites supported across the globe
calls from commuters needing travel assistance each year

Our capabilities

Contact centre

Serco operates Transperth InfoCentres and InfoLine, delivering exceptional customer service, on behalf of the Western Australian government. Serco and Transperth have operated in a continuing partnership for over 25 years. We help people plan their journeys on public transport, answer their questions, and capture their feedback each and every day of the year.

Road and Toll management

Serco currently manages, operates and maintains the Cross-Harbour Tunnel, Lung Shan and Cheung Shan Tunnels in Hong Kong. The Cross-Harbour Tunnel is the oldest and busiest underwater tunnel connecting Hong Kong Island with the rest of the territory, while the Lung Shan Tunnel is one of the longest road tunnels in Hong Kong. To ensure smooth traffic in one of the most densely populated cities of the world, Serco is responsible for traffic operations management, incident response, maintenance and repair work, and advertising. All these are only made possible on our 30 years’ experience in local road and toll management where Serco had managed and operated 10 Hong Kong government owned tunnels.