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Ground Segment Engineering and Scientific Services

Serco provides ESA with specialist management and engineering staff to support the implementation of the Sentinels' Payload Data Ground Segments. Acting as the technical interface between ESA and the industry consortium, Serco routinely delivers all the benefits of a reliable and experienced Prime contractor, who has the necessary in-depth engineering expertise, as well as management skills to organise and coordinate the work of a large group sub-contractors.



Satellite & Ground Systems Engineering and Operations

Engineering & Management Support Services (EMSS) - Serco staff support the PDGS end-to-end governance, for the different ESA and TPM operational missions.

The activities are structured within the following thematic areas:

  • Mission-specific engineering tasks for the specification, design and implementation of dedicated (e.g. Earth Explorers) and multi-mission Ground Segment system/sub-systems
  • Mission operations management and engineering support, providing ESA with a specialised technical team for supporting the management of the end-to-end chain of services and systems related to the PDGS operation and maintenance
  • Copernicus Space Component Data Access  (CSCDA) management and operations

As part of the aforementioned activities, the Serco team is actively involved in Integration, Validation and Commissioning activities, Research and Service support activities and, as well, in coordinating and running several ESA operational services (e.g. Earth Watching, Emergency on-call officer).

EUMETSAT Data Centre (EDC) User Operations - Since 1995 Serco has been providing a managed service for the operation of the EUMETSAT Data Centre User Services, responsible for receiving, processing and archiving Meteorology data products and making them available to end-users for accurate weather fore-casting and environmental and climate monitoring.

Support to ESA's astronomy and planetary missions .  Serco provides engineering and scientific support to the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), at Villanueva de la Cañada hosting the scientific operations centres for ESA's astronomy and planetary missions, along with their scientific archives. It provides services to astronomical research projects worldwide.

Earth Observation Data Access and Exploitation

Scientific and Technical Support Services to Earth Observation Exploitation Programmes (EOP-SE)- Serco manages the service helping ESA and its user communities to best exploit the vast array of Earth Observation data in a wide range of applications. Serco is providing a highly qualified and experienced project management and scientific team with in-depth understanding of ESA's requirements. Our science experts in each of the application domains are capable of advising end users and assisting their development and cross-disciplinary exploitation projects looking at scientific problems which span the oceans, atmosphere and land.


Sentinels Payload Data Ground Segment Engineering Support:

Serco is providing ESA with teams of skilled engineers to support the operation of the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-3 missions. Serco’s engineering teams have in-depth, detailed technical and system knowledge of each space mission, its instruments and associated ground systems. Our activities ensure effective interaction between ESA and the consortium in the areas of Assembly Integration and Validation; Data Processing; System Evolution and Compliance; and Mission Planning.

ESA and EUMETSAT Copernicus Consultancy:

Under various Consultancy Services Frame Contracts Serco are providing Operations, Engineering and Science Support staff to ESA and EUMETSAT for the Copernicus Sentinel missions. Serco's staff is integrated into the customer teams that will support the missions throughout their operational life.

Copernicus Operations Controller Team:

Serco's service team supports the preparation and operation of the Sentinel-3 mission. During the mission preparation phase Serco provided an initial team of qualified and experienced Spacecraft and Ground Segment Analysts to ensure the team was prepared for the safe and effective 24/7 operation of the Sentinel-3 mission when handed over to EUMETSAT.

Support to ESA Directorates:

Serco staff support ESA Directorates to ensure the satisfactory execution of tasks needed to adequately support ESA's Programmes. Such support is contracted under the "Frame Contracts for Industrial Support to ESA Directorates represented at ESTEC". This frame contracts supports the Activity Domains envisaged to cover Engineering and technical support, Business Management, Administration and Controlling, Scientific support and Information Technology, Education, Communication and Facility Management support in the ESA sites: ESTEC (The Netherlands), ESOC/EAC (Germany), ESRIN (Italy), Spain (ESAC), UK (ECSAT), HQ (France), CSG (French Guyane), et