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Successful synergy across Serco European projects

Partners across three projects in which Serco is involved and all funded by the European Commission have been working together to help improve water management strategies.  They have produced a ‘Use Case’ that demonstrates to irrigation experts such as land reclamation consortia and irrigation districts, how to improve their strategies for irrigation water resources management.

The three projects,

  • The H2020 MOSES project in which Serco participated;
  • The Serco-led H2020 EOPEN project
  • The ONDA platform - the Serco DIAS (Data and Information Access Service) solution

are all showing how detailed and accurate information can be made available to everyone through the combined use of multiple platforms.

You can watch the video (*) on the Crop Water Demand case study to understand how the platforms are jointly exploited and all the advantages of the outcome for the users.

The aim of the video is mainly to show the innovative working environment to the general public, and to demonstrate to irrigation experts the way they can select the modules and methods already available from the MOSES project, linking them with some other methods implemented locally.

You can learn more about EOPEN on the article “Harnessing the power of earth observations” recently published on the European Research Journal. The EOPEN platform aims to support both non-expert and expert users access and exploit Copernicus data through a federated platform framework, allowing for big data analytics.

The use case on MOSES Crop Water Demand, one of the MOSES’s modules, shows how the combined use of these three platforms – EOPEN, MOSES and ONDA – can be successfully applied to provide detailed and accurate information within everyone’s reach.

In this context, ONDA is used as the Cloud computing platform on which MOSES, having gathered data from EOPEN, runs its calculations on water distribution needs, therefore contributing to the creation of a powerful and flexible virtual computing system.

(*) Produced with the support of Prof. Massimo Menenti, Delft University of Technology, MOSES Scientific Coordinator.