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Ana Morrison - Project Manager

Name, Job Title, Years in Serco

Ana Morrison, Project Manager, 1 year

Tell us a little bit about your role.

I am the project manager for Serco’s consultancy project for asset management (AM) and operational transformation and implementation of an enterprise asset management system for a city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In this role, I manage assets and work with operational transformation experts that collaborate to enable and implement advanced ways of working, by leveraging international best practices complemented by technology to enhance the way the city is being operated. 


Describe your career progression, and what has supported you to progress to a senior position?

In my career to date, I have been primarily involved in data-driven transformation projects, with a focus on business change through cultural shifts in attitudes towards asset data and information in the transport industry.

I have been fortunate to be mentored by strong leaders and this has been significant for my personal development and advancement into senior roles. 

At Serco, 50% of our Executive Management Team is made up of females – how do you feel the business has supported you?

Although I have been with Serco for only a year, I benefitted greatly from the support of senior management helping me guide our client on their transformation journey. This has given me the confidence to establish my position and progress in my role.

What barriers have you personally faced in your career when progressing into senior positions, and what advice would you give to others to overcome these?

As women we often face obstacles in our journey to success. We tend to be less assertive when seeking promotion out of the concern that we could encounter gender bias and stereotyping. 

Learn to effectively advocate for your goals and needs so that you can achieve your professional ambitions.

What do you think makes a good leader?

A good leader requires a mix of different skills such as the ability to encourage initiatives, to build a sense of common purpose and to empower others. The most critical skill for an effective leader is empathy. It brings positive outcomes including improved engagement, cooperation, trust and inclusivity. 

How do you balance work and life responsibilities?

It is not easy having a full-time job and being a mum. I try to balance it out with having set boundaries with work and family life. When I spend time with my children, I get into full mummy mode, my laptop stays closed and I make the most of the time by giving them my undivided attention.

Same goes for work, giving my job my full attention so that I can free up time that can be spent with family in the evening. This is only possible through the support of my husband at home and an understanding boss at Serco. 

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

I have had the privilege to work on some truly great transformational projects in the UK and Middle East, helping engineers make their activities safer and more efficient.

At present I feel honoured to help realise the Saudi Vision 2030, through a project initiative that drives innovation and improvement for the Kingdom.

It gives me a great sense of pride to be a part of the process of inclusion and integration of Saudi women in the workplace through Serco’s nationalisation programme.

Who inspires you and why?

I am inspired daily by my children, friends, colleagues and managers I work for. I feel incredibly lucky to be surrounded by people who encourage me to strive, to develop myself, push beyond my comfort zone and achieve personal and business goals beyond my expectations.

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders in Serco?

Lean into opportunities that come your way; don’t be afraid to say ’yes‘ because you haven’t done it before or do not feel as if you are the complete package.  Don’t over think it. Trust your instincts.