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Andrea Longdon - Portfolio Property Manager

Name, Job Title, Years in Serco

Andrea Longdon, Portfolio Property Manager, 10 years at Serco

Tell us a little bit about your role?

I manage and oversee two projects in Abu Dhabi. My role is focused on building relationships with tenants and landlords. It has given me opportunities to create a network with different types of tenants, whether its commercial or residential.

When it comes to commercial properties, I set up everything that is related to property management from the time they sign a lease, move in, operate to when they move out. I also assist the landlord’s leasing team as and when necessary.

For residential projects, I help set up the current structure that we have within leasing and property management.

Describe your career progression, and what has supported you to progress to a senior position?

I started working as a leasing administrator and worked my way to become an assistant property manager, then property manager and now I’m currently a portfolio property manager.

It took years of hard work and dedication to get to where I am now but I can confidently say that all my efforts have paid off.

Additionally, I am surrounded by colleagues and managers who recognised the effort that I put in, which significantly contributed towards my career progression.

At Serco, 50% of our Executive Management Team is made up of females – how do you feel the business has supported you?

Serco has provided many opportunities to develop my skills. I am also very fortunate to have have a line manager who is very supportive.

What barriers have you personally faced in your career when progressing into senior positions, and what advice would you give to others to overcome these?

I think one of the barriers that I have faced (and also created) is that I undervalued myself and my contributions.

It took some time, but I became self-aware of the environment that I’ve created. From the moment of that realisation I became more self-confident and started to ‘take the bull by the horn’.

What do you think makes a good leader?

A good leader knows how to motivate and nurture the talents of their people whilst being compassionate, a good role model and confident.

How do you balance work and life responsibilities?

Balancing work and life responsibilities is continuous work. Serco allows flexible working which gives me the ability to accommodate both home and work responsibilities.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

The highlight of my career has been being able to work on projects that I am proud of. These projects have paved way for organic growth, not only in the business, but also within my career.

Who inspires you and why?

My family is my biggest inspiration and motivation in work and in life. They inspire me to be better and to never give up no matter how hard the circumstances are.

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders in Serco?

Do not be afraid of making mistakes. Mistakes keep you on your toes as it teaches you to become better. There is always a solution to every problem.