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Emily Moore - Contract Manager

Name, Job Title, Years in Serco

Emily Moore, Contract Manager – Palm Jumeirah Monorail, 6 years

Tell us a little bit about your role.

I am responsible for managing Serco's operations and maintenance contract for Nakheel's Palm Jumeirah Monrail. This includes managing and leading a team of 50+ staff, monitoring system performance focussing on continuous improvement, client engagement, financial and commercial accountability.


Describe your career progression, and what has supported you to progress to a senior leader position?

My entire career has been spent in the field of transport. I started my career in London Underground in the UK where I worked for the best part of 10 years before coming to the UAE. I have worked in autonomous vehicles as well as rail which has been incredibly interesting. Having a good mentor has been critical throughout my career progression - someone to guide and at times push me out of my comfort zone. Serco encourages staff to progress through the organisation and supports personal development.

At Serco, 42% of our Executive Management Team is made up of females – how do you feel the business has supported you?

Serco has supported me throughout my career, investing in my development as a leader as well as giving me the tools and flexibility I have needed to fulfil my roles.

What barriers have you personally faced in your career when progressing into leadership positions, and what advice would you give to others to overcome these?

It is important to keep believing in yourself even when others may make you feel as though you are taking the wrong path. Surround yourself with those that you know can support you in areas which you know you are less confident in - and don’t be afraid to take risks.

What makes a good leader?

Good leaders are those that listen, communicate clearly and honestly, motivate, encourage and nurture those around them. Knowing and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each member of their team is key in order to effectively manage and lead the team to success. Good leaders inspire confidence and trust amongst their team and colleagues.

How do you balance work and life responsibilities?

I am a working mother and at times that is difficult. Planning is key to making sure that both work and home life run smoothly, however, I have learnt to set realistic expectations and not to punish myself when things perhaps don’t go according to plan. Plans can change, that’s life! Serco has always been understanding and supportive and has given me the flexibility I’ve needed to balance my two roles.

What has been the highlight of your career?

Mobilising a contract in a very short timescale when I was still at my early days in Serco. I had the privilege of selecting each member of a team I was leading for a transport contract with a new client; we had not been working together for that long when my client asked me to shorten the timeline. It was a true test of teamwork and my leadership skills. It was an immensely proud moment when we learned that we had received approval to commence passenger operation.

Who inspires you and why?

My parents. They sacrificed a lot in order to give me the best life possible for which I will always be incredibly grateful. They’ve always encouraged me to do my best, guided me along the way and have also helped me be an effective working mother.

I also think anyone that pushes themselves to be what they want to be is an inspiration, particularly under challenging circumstances.

What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders in Serco?

Be confident, motivated and persistent. If you don’t achieve what you want at the first try, keep going, keep an open mind, build relationships and a network, leverage support from those around you, find a mentor who is interested in supporting your development and take every opportunity given to you.