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Human Capital & Performance Consulting

  • Human Capital Planning: Our Serco team builds a coherent framework of Human Capital policies, programs, and practices to achieve organizational requirements to execute our clients strategic plan and mission.
  • Workforce Planning: We can help identify, analyze, and forecast the talent needed to execute a business strategy in a proactive manner. We enable organizations to identify, develop, and sustain the workforce capabilities needed to successfully accomplish strategic mission while balancing the career and lifestyle goals of the employees.
  • Performance Management: Serco professionals work with our clients to look at the strategic alignment in the design of rating, assessment, and calibration processes and policies to ensure identification, recognition, and reward for top performers and key personnel are accurate. We will design criteria to assess employee potential and support the execution of top talent programs.
  • Competency Management and Labor Pool Development: Our Serco team can help define the competencies needed to execute our client’s mission and assess the available labor pools’ capabilities to do so.
  • Organizational Change Management: At Seco, Change Management is a systematic approach to dealing with change, both from the perspective of an organization and on the individual level. Our experts can help design a proactive approach to dealing with change.