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Preventing workplace injuries through innovation and care

Serco is a Zero Harm organisation, committed to keeping our people and communities safe.

With more than 14,000 colleagues across Australia, including many in rural and remote areas, our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) team is constantly seeking innovations to achieve zero workplace injuries. 

A recent addition is an extensive suite of Safe Work Instruction videos that can be accessed by colleagues on demand from their personal devices at any site, developed by Serco’s Facilities Management team. More than 50 videos covering high frequency tasks have been produced to help reduce workplace injuries in our cleaning and maintenance teams.  

Yellow warning sign for wet floor

With people at more than 1,800 sites across the country, being able to deliver effective training and task instructions that everyone can access is a priority: 

“We know that people need to see an action demonstrated correctly, often several times, before it becomes second nature," said Zak Dib, HSE Manager. "When people are working on sites in isolation or at all hours of the night, it’s easy to forget how to perform a non-regular task correctly or slip into bad habits. 

“We wanted to provide an alternative method to demonstrate how common tasks should be completed and remove potential barriers of embarrassment or concern about asking for help. A video that demonstrates the steps involved and safe body movements was the logical answer.”

Zak Dib
HSE Manager

The videos cover topics ranging from performing cleaning tasks to operating powered equipment, removal and disposal of sharps, how to safely inspect stormwater pits, water quality testing and asset painting.

The videos are supported by safe work instructions that have been translated into various colleague first languages and are easy to access via QR codes.  

Along with existing induction, site orientation and ongoing training, the videos are an additional resource for new employees, refresher courses and toolbox talk sessions as part of our commitment to being a Zero Harm workplace.

Mobile phone scanning a Serco work instruction document