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Human rights and modern slavery

We respect and protect the dignity and human rights of our colleagues and everyone we deal with in our work. This includes those in our care, those who use our services and those who work for our business partners or suppliers.

To support this commitment, we use international human rights standards (such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights) to guide decision making, constructive engagement and the assessment and management of adverse human rights impacts.

How we have performed

Related indicators

We track several human rights related indicators. These include no prosecutions for a human rights or modern slavery violation and no substantiated speak up cases related to Human rights and modern slavery.

Slave Free Alliance partnership

We have established a ‘sponsored partnership’ with the charity, Slave Free Alliance, part of Hope for Justice, who completed a gap analysis and made suggestions to improve our solid foundations in managing modern slavery risks. These are being actioned.

Modern slavery risks

We continue to develop our processes to agree corrective actions with suppliers found to be at high risk of modern slavery following due diligence.

We are committed to protecting human rights and are proud to be a founding member of the UK Business Services Association 'Modern Slavery Council'. In June 2023, we were joined by UK Government representatives and industry peers to launch a new national toolkit: 'Tackling Modern Slavery in Facilities Management and Construction'. This best practice guide for addressing modern slavery risks was developed by Serco and the Modern Slavery Council in partnership with Slave-Free Alliance, Action Sustainability, Scotland Against Modern Slavery and the Supply Chain Sustainability School.

Working with our suppliers and customers

Recognising the importance of collective understanding, we collaborated with Slave Free Alliance to conduct two extensive training sessions for our Middle East customers and suppliers, which explored the nuances of modern slavery, including its identification and the subsequent responsive measures. 

A periodic site inspection in the Middle East of a supplier’s accommodation found that staff were being housed within a warehouse, a setting that starkly deviated from our accommodation standards. Recognising the immediate need for intervention, our team liaised with the supplier's management. Emphasising the non-negotiable nature of our commitment to worker welfare, we facilitated the relocation of the staff to a more appropriate accommodation site.

Ensuring positive outcomes

In the Middle East, we partnered with multiple service providers to undertake a thorough review of working hours in line with prevailing labour laws and to critique roster structures. The result was a shift towards more employee-friendly scheduling, reflecting our commitment to colleague welfare.

In Australia we provide a Return and Reintegration Assistance Program to allow migrants make informed and voluntary choices about returning to their country of origin and assisting them with that return. This has included support for those who have be subject to modern slavery or human trafficking. Recently they supported a UK national who was experiencing destitution due to urgently leaving his dangerous working conditions, by providing the means for him to get home. Another recipient of their support found themselves in a work situation where they were not paid causing them to become destitute and the breakdown of their marriage. Again, they were assisted to return to their home and family in Nepal. To find out more visit

'My Mind, My Body, My Spirit’ initiative

Our Acacia Prison team in Perth, Australia, celebrated the success of the ‘My Mind, My Body, My Spirit’ initiative after it won at the Western Australian Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies 2023 'Strong Spirit, Strong Mind Awards'. The award recognised the programme for its community impact. Implemented in the prison and designed in collaboration with Wungening Aboriginal Corporation, this culturally secure programme was developed with First Nations colleagues and community members to address the impacts of substance use on wellbeing. Find out more.

Captain of a ship in the bridge with his officer looking out to sea with binoculars

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Yellow and blue helicopter on helipad on roof a building with a person in high vis vest walking towards it

Human rights supplement

What next

  • Enhance our modern slavery programme in Canada to ensure compliance with the new local Bill-S-211 coming into force.

  • Review and implement where relevant the recommendations from the 2023 Slave Free Alliance gap analysis.

  • Consider how human rights and modern slavery due diligence is monitored for those suppliers not classified as high risk.

Our reports and resources

Smiling Serco female colleague sat in an office chair wearing a head scarf

2023 Impact Report

The human face of impact.

Female Prison Custody Officer standing in corridor with arms folded

2023 Data Book

A full suite of ESG data points over a five-year period with notes and commentary.

ESG resources

ESG reports and resources, public third-party reports on Serco operations, and our responses to frequently asked questions.