Alex - IT Infrastructure Technician

Alex Cull started his level 3 infrastructure technician apprenticeship in 2017 and continued to a level 4 apprenticeship which he completed in January 2021.
What attracted you to a Serco apprenticeship?
I am very interested in IT generally and was looking for a new career path without having to go to university.
Tell us about the best part of the apprenticeship?
Being trained and gaining experience in Microsoft examinations was helpful in giving me the exposure to the training courses and exams I needed to do my new role well. The training courses were fun at the same time as giving me a good learning experience with the online trainers. I also made friends during the 3 years of the apprenticeship which is a great bonus.
What have been your main achievements?
My social skills have improved through being involved in many activities with other apprentices. We all helped one another and pushed each other to do better and achieve the best possible.
What are your plans for the future?
I am looking to complete further training including Microsoft examinations. I also look forward to progressing in my career with the cloud and hosting team.