By making use of empty properties, it benefits homeowners, the Local Authority, those seeking accommodation and citizens at large.
Homeowners have the comfort of working with an experienced service company who will fully-manage and fully-let their property for a period greater than five years.
All upfront costs to bring properties up to standard are borne by Serco and paid back by homeowners within a pre-agreed model (for example, deductions from future rental income).
Once our initial outlay has been recouped, the homeowner benefits from 100% of the rental payments from tenants, whilst Serco will continue to manage the lease for you without any additional administration or management fees.
In short
Our lease offers a robust package to existing owners of empty properties, the following is a summary of our offer:
A lease more than 5 years with an FSE 250 company, with an option to renew at the end of the tenure
No upfront costs to the homeowner
Day-to-day maintenance and repairs undertaken at no cost to the homeowner
All refurbishment and maintenance work carried out by competent, qualified, and accredited contractors
No call outs fees payable
Payback taken from future rental payments so no financial burden on the homeowner
No void periods
Guaranteed rent paid monthly by BACS for the entire duration of the lease so no rent arrears or debt collection
Full tenancy and property management service provided by Serco, at no cost to the homeowner
Monthly property inspections by Serco
Council Tax and utilities paid by Serco
No management fees. No legal fees. No registration fees. No set-up fees
Your property returned to you at the end of the lease period in good condition (less reasonable wear and tear) and with vacant possession
Preferred property criteria
Serco’s preference is that properties are in a location which ensures our occupiers have access to local services, for example:
Close to public transport links
Close to schools and health services
Close to shops and places of worship
Preferably not above commercial premises or next to pubs or night clubs.
Please note the property will be submitted for consultation with Local Authority.
About us
Serco Group plc are a global, FTSE 250 company which specialises in the delivery of essential public services. Our broad cross sector and international experience means we can transfer emerging best practice, share new service innovations, and improve the performance of the public services we manage. A strong public sector ethos runs through our organisation which is why you will always find our people are motivated to make a positive difference.
In the UK, our organisation has been operating within the housing/accommodation market for over a decade, managing an exclusive accommodation contract on behalf of Central Government across the North West, Midlands, and East of England.
We have extensive knowledge in relation to the identification and refurbishment of properties that have been out of use for long periods of time (six months or longer) and deemed to be either uninhabitable, or too costly to repair for the owner. We are known for delivering the highest standard of service and support to existing owners of empty properties, landlords, local communities, and those in need of appropriate accommodation.
Need further information
If you are an existing owner of an empty property and are interested in knowing more about our offer, please get in contact with us for an informal discussion to understand if our offer could work for you.
For further information please email [email protected]. Alternatively, you can contact the AASC Properties Team on 0330 236 9898.