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Gatwick Immigration Removal Centres

Gatwick IRCs comprises Brook House and Tinsley House Immigration Removal Centres. Gatwick Pre-Departure Accommodation (PDA) is a small, discreet facility annexed to Tinsley House which provides short stay accommodation and support to families with children under 18 years of age. Serco manages and delivers operations at both centres on behalf of the Home Office.

About Brook House and Tinsley House

Brook House opened in March 2009 and is located on the south perimeter of Gatwick Airport. It has the capacity to hold 448 adult male residents, in en-suite bedrooms on 5 separate units that are connected by a communal corridor where facilities such as healthcare, gym, visits, education and recreational activities are located. Each residential unit has showers, a dining area, a Skype facility and access to a courtyard.

Tinsley House opened in 1996 and was the first purpose-built IRC in the UK. It is located approx. half a mile from Brook House on the perimeter of Gatwick Airport. The centre underwent significant refurbishment in 2017 and has the capacity for 162 adult male residents in shared bedrooms with access to communal facilities such as a library, IT suite, gym, healthcare, a dining room and a courtyard.

Both centres have dedicated welfare teams of officers trained to assist residents with accessing legal support, getting property or money transferred and other matters that may require resolution prior to leaving the UK.

Gatwick PDA can accommodate a maximum of two families.  A dedicated team of Serco staff, including social workers provide tailored care and returns support prior to a family’s removal from the UK.

Serco welcomes visitors to Gatwick IRCs and PDA and we pride ourselves on our high standards of service and care.