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Alliant 2


Serco Alliant 2 Contract No: 47QTCK18D0041
Period of Performance: July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2023
Option period through June 30, 2028
(orders awarded by June 30, 2028 can have a performance period through June 30, 2033)
Ceiling: $75 Billion

The scope of the Alliant 2 GWAC includes any and all components of an integrated Information Technology (IT) solution, including all current and any new technologies which may emerge during the lifecycle of the contract, and IT systems and services in support of Electronic Surveillance Systems, AT/FP, intrusion detection systems, cameras, and card readers. Serco's Primary Alliant 2 support areas include:

  • System Design & Engineering
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Cyber Operations
  • Installing and Maintaining AT/FP Systems
  • Monitoring, Access Control, Perimeter Surveillance, Intrusion Detection
  • CCTV
  • Information Assurance
  • Logistics Systems
  • Networks and Communications
  • Infrastructure Modernization
  • Cloud
  • Data Analytics

Why Alliant 2

With GSA's Alliant 2 Contract, government agencies can obtain a single source of integrated IT services and access to "best in class" private sector IT services. Its broad array of features and benefits include:

  • Allows for long-term planning on large-scale programs
  • Offers flexibility and supports all contract types (i.e., fixed price, cost reimbursement, labor-hour and time-materials)
  • Adheres to pre-competed and streamlined ordering procedures
  • Accommodates federal guidelines regarding enterprise architecture and other IT compliance standards and protocols
  • Requires Top Secret facility clearances for awardees.
  • Office of Management and Budget (OMB) designates Alliant 2 as a preferred Government wide solution
    - Visit the Acquisition Gateway and Best in Class (BIC) Resource page
  • DFARS automatically included by reference
  • Primary contract provisions are in place
    - Only task order specifics need to be defined
    - Task orders can be written for an extensive period of time
    - All types of contracts for task orders
  • Waiver Approvals in 24 hours
  • Delegation of Authority Approvals in 24 hours
  • Streamline Acquisition - RFP release to Contract Award can be granted in as little as 30 days

How To Use Alliant 2

  • Direct Acquisitions. Under this scenario the customer agency is responsible for its own order acquisition and program management activities.
  • Assisted Acquisitions. In this scenario an agency may elect to have an assisted acquisition organization provide full or partial order acquisition program and/or project management services through the Order life cycle.

Federal contracting officers who wish to issue or administer orders on GSA Alliant 2 must receive applicable overview training and DPA, making them Ordering Contracting Officers (OCOs).

DPA training can be achieved through Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Online Courses; Webinar, Teleconference, or Video Teleconference by request to [email protected]; or by thorough review of Alliant 2 GWAC Ordering Guide found at Once the training is completed, visit the DPA section at: and complete and submit the DPA Request Form.

Ordering Process - Seven Steps are detailed in the GSA Alliant 2 Ordering Guide:

  1. Plan the Acquisition @ Optional Scope 0 Task Order Award
  2. Define the Requirement AND develop the Solicitation
  3. Optional Scope Compatibility Review for Prospective Orders
  4. Issue the Solicitation
  5. Evaluate Proposals
  6. Task Order Award Documentation and Debriefings
  7. Administer and Closeout the Task Order

Serco's Alliant 2 Brochure

Basic Contract Info

Serco Inc: 
Cage Code: 022Q2

Serco North America (holdings) Inc.: UEI: G4L8QAF46JA3 
Cage Code: 7AGY3

Basic Contract

Serco SF33
Basic Contract
Modification PA01
Modification PS0002 
Modification PA0003
Modification PS0004
Modification PA0005
Modification PO0006
Modification PS0007
Modification PO0008
Modification PO0009
Modification PS0010
Modification PS0011
Modification PA0012
Modification PO0013
Modification PA0014
Modification PS0015
Modification PS0016
Modification PS0017
Modification PA0018

Prompt Payment Terms
0%, Net 30 days

System for Award Management

GSA Alliant 2 Web Site

ISO 9001
CMMI-DEV; Maturity Level 2 – Software Development and Systems Engineering Solutions
CMMI-DEV; Maturity Level 3 – Enterprise Applications

CONTRACT INSURANCE meets the threshold stated in FAR Subpart 28.307-2 LIABILITY, and that insurance expires on October 31, 2025. 

Labor Rates

DCAA CAS Information:
Serco Inc. is fully CAS covered and approved.

Environmental Objectives

Serco's Sustainability Practices

Corporate Administrative Contracting Officer - (CACO)
Jeysson G. Morales, Contracts Administrator
DCMAP-HCE, Cost and Pricing Regional Command
[email protected] 


Points of Contact

Program Manager
Kyle Cormack
Director, IDIQ PMO and Partner Relations
[email protected]

Contract Manager
Charlotte Hitner
[email protected]