Readiness when the only constant is change
Serco has earned a reputation as a vital resource for government organizations that need to adapt to change rapidly. Embracing new missions. Standing up new programs and commands. Optimizing the use of facilities and physical assets. Helping warfighters to achieve peak performance.
We can provide clients with surge support from leading subject matter experts to help senior leaders chart the best strategic direction. We then assist with executing those missions with a range of solutions spanning dynamic resource management, logistics, modeling and wargaming, and training.
Serco is part of a company with a presence in over 35 countries, 50,000 people, and five decades of experience helping governments set new service standards. Wherever in the world your mission takes you, we have the reach and dedication to help your mission succeed.

Dynamic Resource Management
Dynamic resource management employs next-generation technology to effectively manage facilities, assets, inventories, and human capital to respond to evolving organizational needs. Serco provides our clients with solutions that leverage AI, the internet of things (IoT), and big data analysis to drive transformation and optimize asset utilization.
Dynamic resource management will become increasingly vital as government and private employers imagine a post-pandemic approach to work and collaboration that will likely include greater flexibility, a smaller physical footprint, and zero-trust network architecture. Adoption of dynamic resource management will be driven by the need for organizations to accurately measure and show demonstrable progress towards reducing their carbon footprint.
Serco has developed solutions that enable the US Army to accurately model power and water requirements in field sites, including renewable and microgrid capabilities to satisfy energy security and efficiency requirements. And we have helped the US Air Force develop automated "living models" for how changes to the mission, budget, or threat environment would flow through to organization, staffing, and resource tradeoffs.
Serco provides advanced logistics planning and management services to optimize the availability, reliability, and cost of operations for the platforms upon which warfighters rely. We have helped to pioneer the application of machine learning to provide predictive failure forecasts and adaptive approaches to maintenance and sparing.
Our comprehensive offering includes managing warehouses and depots, mobile hospitals, hazardous materials, integrated logistics for weapons systems, and supply-chain management.

Modeling and Wargaming
Creating realistic simulations is essential to how the DoD engages in mission planning, refines military doctrine, and trains warfighters. But traditional simulations are constrained by the inability to scale to deeply explore how alternative courses of action impact battlespace results.

Leveraging recent advances in AI and high-performance computing, Serco has helped clients execute simulations using machine learning to execute millions of scenarios under a wide range of adversaries and situations. These “AI” agents can then model the behavior of warfighters, expand the scope of adversary behavior, and enable scenarios to be tested using a wide range of equipment, strategies, and battlespace configurations.
As a result, our customers can now realistically simulate an unlimited range of conflict scenarios and see how the balance of forces, terrain, and tactics tip the outcomes.
We provide a range of training and performance support solutions to align human capital with mission priorities. Our experience ranges from recruitment to retirement, and our people feel invested in the success of those in uniform.
Serco's experts in organizational performance are a resource to identify a wide range of issues that can impede mission success and deliver tailored solutions to senior decision-makers. Our learning design team employs advanced delivery approaches, including distance and fully immersive virtual learning, to provide training and sharpen vital skills required of today's warfighter.
Serco has helped design and run some of the most sophisticated programs assisting military personnel to return to civilian life. We help them secure a new career that makes full use of their military training and tap into a network of veteran-friendly employers with open positions.