Serco will play a key role in the H2020 Probono project by working with partners to build sustainable neighbourhoods across Europe.
Probono, by definition, means for the public good.
The Horizon 2020 Probono project aims to create multiple European locations that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly by working together with stakeholders to develop green neighbourhoods and communities.
Probono completely aligns with our environmental policy and our vision of Zero Harm, where we strive to prevent any environmental damage that could result from our work. We do this by measuring and understanding the environmental impact of what we do and putting effective systems in place to manage, minimise and prevent it.
Gaetan Desclee, Europe Managing Director
What is Probono all about?
The Probono project will create a green, people-centric European construction industry that constantly transforms and manages buildings in ways that reduce emissions and combat climate change.
Probono aims to establish validated solutions for the design, construction, and operation of zero-emission and positive energy buildings in a sustainable built environment. All this will be tested and validated through the so-called Living Labs in each of the six districts of European cities that have been selected: Madrid (Spain), Dublin (Ireland), Porto (Portugal), Brussels (Belgium), Aarhus (Denmark) and Prague (Czech Republic). The vision is for these Living Labs to become energy-positive zones with zero-carbon buildings.
What is Serco’s commitment?
Serco’s ambition with the Probono project is to make a difference and leverage our years of experience in conducting research and innovative solutions to combat climate change and provide clear guidance for partners who can implement such solutions.
Our environmental commitment allows this project to achieve its ambitious objectives and expected long-term impacts and contribute to an environmentally friendly infrastructure and community. Serco hopes to positively impact over 8 million citizens across six major cities in Europe.
Alongside our customers and other stakeholders, Serco recognises that environmental sustainability is a critical factor in the well-being of society. Serco also recognises that the impacts of climate and environmental emergencies will be felt ever more acutely across the public service landscape, driving evolution, adaptation, and innovation to keep pace with the changing needs of society.
With projects and contracts such as Probono, alongside our environmental objectives to become a net-zero business by 2030 and our internal and growing eco-friendly initiatives such as the Serco Europe Goes Green initiative – our impact and opportunity to make a positive environmental difference in Europe finally becomes a reality. We hope you can follow us on this journey to creating a better tomorrow.