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Serco office address, locations and contact details

Serco address and contact detailsPlease find below all the main Serco address and contact details. For general enquiries contact our registered office at:

Serco Group plc
Serco House
16 Bartley Wood Business Park
Bartley Way
RG27 9UY

United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1256 745900
E: [email protected]

Serco Group plc is a company registered in England and Wales No. 2048608.

Additional contacts

Media Relations

These contacts are for media use only.

Media enquiries only
[email protected]

UK & Europe
Charles Carr +44 (0)7718 194 381
[email protected]

Out of Hours
+44 (0)7738 896 808


Asia Pacific
Media enquiries only
+61 2 9409 8700
[email protected]

Ophelie Martin
+32 483017551
[email protected]

North America
Alan Hill
+1 (703) 263-6500
[email protected]

Middle East
Media enquiries only
[email protected] 

Institutional Investors and Research Analysts

Paul Checketts
Head of Investor Relations
4th Floor 100 Victoria Street
Greater London
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1256 745900
E: [email protected]

Notification of major interests in shares (TR1 Forms)

Private Investors

Our Registrars are:

Aspect House
Spencer Road
West Sussex BN99 6DA

T: 0371 384 2932

There is a text phone available on 0371 384 2255 for shareholders with hearing difficulties (Calls to both these numbers are charged at 8p per minute from a BT landline.  Other telephony provider costs may vary.)

Callers from outside the UK should use +44 (0) 121 415 7047

Corporate Governance

David Eveleigh
General Counsel

Nickesha Graham-Burrell
Group Company Secretary

Serco House
16 Bartley Wood Business Park
Bartley Way
RG27 9UY
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1256 745900
E: [email protected]

Corporate Responsibility

Serco House
16 Bartley Wood Business Park
Bartley Way
RG27 9UY
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)1256 745900
E: [email protected]

Asylum Accommodation and Support Services Out of Hours

Out of hours telephone: 01925 867200

For all other enquiries, please visit our web pages

Serco Europe

Serco Belgium S.A.
60 Cortenbergh
Brussels 1000
T: +32 (0) 2 774 5360
F: +32 (0) 2 774 5361
E: [email protected]

Serco Jura Leman
Technoparc Pays de Gex
15 rue Lumière
01630 St Genis Pouilly (France)
T: +33 (0)4 50 99 12 50
F: +33 (0)4 50 99 12 60
E: [email protected]

Serco Services GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Strasse 10
64293 Darmstadt (Germany)
T: +49 (0) 6151 81278 0
F: +49 (0) 6151 81278 17
E: [email protected]

Serco SpA
Via Sciadonna 24-26
00044 Frascati (Roma - Italy)
T: +39 06 98354400
F: +39 06 941 9426
E: [email protected]

The Netherlands
Serco Nederland B.V.
Kapteynstraat 1
2201 BB, Noordwijk 
T: +31 (0) 20 708 3242 
F: +31 (0) 71 407 4014


Serco Asia Pacific

Serco Group Pty Limited
Level 24
60 Margaret Street
NSW 2000

T: +61 (0)2 9964 9733
F: +61 (0)2 9964 9924
E: [email protected]

Serco North America

Serco Inc. 
12930 Worldgate Drive, Suite 600
Herndon, VA 20170

T: +1 703-263-6000
F: +1 703-263-6001
E: [email protected]

Serco Middle East

Serco Middle East – Head Office

Level 20, Rolex Tower
Sheikh Zayed Road
PO Box 9197
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

+971 4 417 3000