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Welcome to mycode

Colleagues from around the world have helped to make mycode easy to use. So whatever you’re looking for...we’re here to help

Why mycode matters

Find out how mycode can help you protect the things we value at Serco.

How to navigate mycode

The values we work by

Explains our values and the behaviours we all need to live by.

Looking after each other

Covers how we treat and care for each other.

Doing it right

Explains how we do our business to the highest standards.

Keeping it safe

Covers how we make sure nothing gets into the wrong hands.

 How each topic is organised

What it’s all about

Tells you about the topic and why it matters.

What you need to know and do

Gives you clear information about what you need to do to follow mycode.

The Storybox

Read about scenarios that bring each topic to life and the kinds of situations you might encounter in your job.

The Toolbox

Here you can find definitions and more resources and information. And if you’re a manager, there’s a dedicated section for you.

Mycode graphic

Not sure what to do?

Don't worry - we're with you. For help on:

– Making a tough decision
– Asking a question or raising a concern
– Speaking up on serious issues
– Knowing when to say no
– Managing others

Find help

“Everything we need to know and do about working together honestly, fairly and safely.”

“What we say here we mean – this is who we want to be.”

“It belongs to all of us. It’s on our side. It’s there to help us.”

“Gives me real confidence knowing Serco cares about this.”

“Clear and consistent for all of us.”

“If ever we’re not sure, mycode is there to help us.”

“This is our safe place.”

mycode for all of us

Discover more...

Why mycode matters

mycode is there to protect the things we all value.

What we value

These are the Values we all share. They tell everyone about the things that matter to us.

Not sure what to do

Sometimes it’s not clear and even when you know, it can be hard to do what’s right.

Looking after each other

We show care and respect - always, to everyone.

Doing it right

We’re honest and fair – and never bend the rules.

Keeping it safe

If we have been trusted with information - we take care of it.