Our approach to procurement
We aim to build long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with all those with whom we have a business relationship - our customers, our strategic and joint venture partners and our suppliers.
Our approach to procurement at Serco has four main strands:
to make the most of the benefits of competitive supplier selection;
to optimise the efficiency and effectiveness of our processes and resources;
to drive sustainability throughout our supply chain;
and to develop positive relationships with our suppliers.

We have a dedicated Procurement and Supply Chain team which is responsible for putting this approach into practice. As part of this, they continue to enhance our systems and processes for choosing and managing our suppliers.
This helps us to maximise the value of our supplier relationships, makes it quicker and cheaper for us to transact with them, and assists with understanding and monitoring areas such as environmental impact before our people make a decision to buy.
Our approach takes regulatory, statutory, ethical and sustainable factors into consideration when making decisions on the purchase of goods and the commissioning of services. Our purchasing decisions should where practicable consider whole life cost and the associated risks and implications for society and the environment.
The relationship between Serco and its suppliers is an important component to achieving high performance in our business.

Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Serco Supplier Code of Conduct, which supplements our Serco Code of Conduct, applies to all suppliers of Serco, including all of the Serco Suppliers' facilities. It formalises Serco's practices and makes clear that, recognising differences in cultures and legal requirements, we expect that wherever our suppliers are located, producing products for us or delivering services for us, that they are produced and/or provided in a manner compatible with the high standards that contribute to the reputation of Serco.
Sustainable Procurement
Serco is committed to the implementation of best sustainable procurement practice, as we continually look to improve the way that we work with our suppliers.
Our Sustainable Procurement Charter sets out our commitments in social, environmental and governance areas and the primary standards we expect of our supply chain, as well as indicative key performance indicators and wider aspirations.

This Charter brings all our sustainable procurement priorities together to enable an integrated approach and acts as a call to action and an invitation to collaborate for our suppliers on areas of highest impact.
In our Sustainable Procurement Charter, we outline our ambitions and expectations and our intention to engage, collaborate and innovate with our suppliers to maximise our collective environmental, social and economic impact.
Our approach is based on taking whole life cost, risks and regulatory, statutory, ethical and sustainability factors into consideration, when making decisions on the purchase of goods and the commissioning of services.

Serco has launched the Serco Australian Industry Portal, through BenchOn, to enhance engagement with Australian businesses, representing a key enabler in our Australian Industry Capability (AIC) strategy. Interested suppliers can register for free at serco.benchon.com and current BenchOn users can quickly link their profiles to Serco by signing into the Portal with their current login.

Improving the way we work with suppliers
Payment Terms are negotiated on individual agreements. Where no agreement is in place we will use our Standard Purchase Order Payment Terms.
Serco's standard Purchase Order payment terms are 45 days from the date the invoice is received.
For 'Small Businesses', (as defined by the PTRS Small Business Identifier), payments terms are 20 days from Invoice received date and payment terms for Indigenous and Social Enterprises are 7 days from Invoice received date.
The current Serco terms and conditions for the purchase of goods and/or services from suppliers are:
- Serco Australia Pty Ltd terms and conditions
- Serco New Zealand Ltd terms and conditions
- Serco Group (HK) Ltd terms and conditions
(These terms and conditions will be periodically reviewed and updated)
Invoicing & Payment Queries: [email protected] or 1300 366 468
Buying Support team: (02) 9954 8888
Purchase Order Queries: Please contact the person or team from Serco with whom you typically transact with
Updating your Company details: If you are registered in our Supplier Onboarding system; SMART by GEP, you can maintain your company details direct. If you aren’t yet registered or are unsure how to do this then you can email: [email protected]