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- Sponsorship helps feed the little children
Sponsorship helps feed the little children
Published: 30 Apr 2015
Broome-based charity Feed the Little Children (FTLC) will be able to feed its 300 needy children for seven weeks following a sponsorship from Serco Australia.
The sponsorship equates to 4100 hot and healthy meals which the charity prepares and delivers two nights a week in the Broome region, to children who otherwise may not have access to food.
Serco contract manager Abbie Kajee said the charity came to his attention via a Serco employee who had begun volunteering at FTLC.
“Patrick King is an employee in our Court Security and Custodial Services group who work out of Broome,” Mr Kajee said. “He has made a significant contribution over the past few years including mobilising and motivating colleagues from Serco to take part in raising funds and volunteering his time.
“The passion and dedication of Patrick resonated with me and the company so much that we wanted to support the charity to achieve its goal of feeding vulnerable children which in turn will help alleviate some of the petty crime in the region and increase health and wellbeing of disadvantaged children.”
FTLC CEO Clint Durham said the charity reaches about 85 per cent of the children they targeted using selective family identification methods.
“By targeting susceptible families we are taking away the angst of food insecurity, which is one of the issues that drives young people to crime and then other social issues,” Mr Durham said.
“Recent external evaluations have shown that our main objective of removing the need for children to steal to survive is being achieved in the Broome region with a reduction of about 40 per cent in juveniles charged and processed in the days we operate.”
More information about FTLC including how to make a donation can be found at http://www.feedthelittlechildren.org.au/