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What does it take to save a life?

Superhuman strength? Specialist training? These can help, but it is raw courage, unconditional compassion and the ability to really see the needs of others that makes the difference. Being able to remain calm and collected under pressure is also important.

At Serco – whether giving blood or giving hope, learning how to rescue or resuscitate, improving someone’s quality of life or their chances of a better life – our colleagues have what it takes.

The test of a true hero is whether they can summon these qualities in the heat of the moment – when they find themselves suddenly, unexpectedly face to face with disaster.

Here we share examples of colleagues who managed to do just that – colleagues who were instantly ready to step up and stand between life and death for the sake of another.

Charles Andrepont, Motorist Assistance Patrol (MAP) Operator
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development

On routine patrol, Charles Andrepont parked up on the Mississippi Bridge – the highest bridge in Louisiana – near what appeared to be an abandoned car. As he approached, a distraught woman fled the vehicle and climbed to the edge of a 167ft drop into the Mississippi River below.

For our MAP Operators, often the first to arrive at tragic scenes, hesitation is not an option. Charles moved immediately to intercept. He took hold of the woman and, after talking for a short while, she allowed him to lift her back over the railing.

Charles remained there with his arms wrapped around the woman, keeping her safe, until emergency services arrived and took her to hospital.

“Charles’s quick thinking and courageous act saved a life that night. We commend him for his bravery as well as his compassion and devotion to helping those in need.”

Richard Ardis, MAP Regional Supervisor

Jack Woods and Brady Trewin, Team Leaders
Australian Tax Office Contact Centre

Jack Woods and Brady Trewin were working with their teams one evening, on the Serco floor of an office building, when colleagues alerted them to an emergency on the ground floor below.

Jack and Brady raced to the lobby, where they found a young man unconscious on the ground, exhibiting seizure symptoms and surrounded by bystanders.

Jack and Brady immediately set about keeping him alive, which they did for 45 minutes until paramedics arrived and took over. They continued to assist until the man was taken to hospital, whilst also making sure their colleagues were ok.

“Jack and Brady were calm under pressure and showed not one second of hesitation to help this young stranger.”

Carolyn Long, Contact Centre Manager

Command and Fast Rescue Craft Crew of the MV Hrossey
NorthLink Ferries

While on passage from Aberdeen to Kirkwall, the Maritime Vessel (MV) Hrossey received a mayday relay from the coastguard about a catamaran capsized nearby. The team altered course and launched their Fast Rescue Craft (FRC) to assist.

The FRC crew – highly trained individuals who don’t shy from danger when lives are at risk – proceeded at full speed to the upturned catamaran, which the two crew were clinging to. Suddenly, one of the catamaran crew was catapulted away by the impact of a large wave.

The FRC crew were able to recover that person safely while another vessel recovered the other crew member. The coastguard then arrived, thanking all responders for their assistance.

“The Command and FRC Crew prevented loss of life in a situation dangerous for everyone involved, demonstrating exceptional commitment to those in need.”

Stuart McCallum, Marine Manager

Donna Smith and Andy Minter, Prisoner Custody Officers
Prisoner Escorting and Custody Services

While waiting to take over from colleagues on a bed watch in a hospital, Donna Smith observed a mother and teenage daughter enter a restroom. A short while later, the mother re-emerged in distress and calling for help.

Donna entered the restroom to find the daughter locked in a toilet cubicle and not responding. Quickly establishing that the girl’s life was in danger, Donna kicked down the door to rescue her. 

Andy Minter then entered the scene and helped free the girl from the cubicle, after which Donna and Andy both stepped back to allow nurses to attend to the girl and her mother.

“Donna and Andy were thanked for their assistance by the nurses and the mother. They went over and above in their roles – saving a young life through their care and quick thinking.”

Anna Long, Escort Manager

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