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Clarence helps revitalise country town

Clarence Correctional Centre (CLA) and Clarence Valley Council partnered up in 2022 for a community engagement project, which was funded by a $495,000 grant from the Department of Planning and Environment. The project was part of the NSW government's Streets as Shared Spaces Program and aimed to improve the main street of Grafton and bring visitors to the area after the devastating bushfires and floods in the Clarence Valley. The project was a collaborative effort between the council, state government, local businesses, not-for-profits, and the community, and it provided an opportunity to test new ideas and develop plans together.

The Serco team, made up of key stakeholders from CLA, played an essential role in the project. They explored ways to be involved and started conversations with the council to support their planning, development, and production of the project. Four main areas were identified for Serco's involvement, including the design and production of planter boxes, installation of planter boxes, art design and creation, and community engagement and promotion. Prisoners from the centre worked alongside council crews to install the planter boxes and painted artworks in the main street.

The project had abundant social benefits, including bringing the community together, providing more space for enjoying time in town, supporting local businesses, inspiring locals and visitors to see Prince Street and Grafton in a new light, encouraging locals to get involved in activities in Grafton, and supporting local artists and storytellers. Serco's partnership with Clarence Valley Council on the Rediscover Grafton project was a success, and the project has promoted further collaboration opportunities for the future.

Nine Serco colleagues standing a on stage smiling at camera at our employee recognition awards

The team's efforts were recognised at our 2023 Global Pulse Awards, where they were awarded a Pride award, highlighting their commitment to supporting their local community.

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