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We work hard to earn trust and respect

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We deliver on our promises; are open, straightforward and honest; do the right thing; and take personal responsibility for getting things done.

This is how we live our values and bring TRUST to life.

  • We do what we say we will do, try our best and see things through

  • We consistently provide the highest standards of service

  • We have a can-do, will-do attitude

  • We are open and honest

  • We communicate truthfully, clearly and concisely

  • We aim to always do the right thing and never compromise our values

  • We think through the consequences of our decisions

  • We speak out when we see something wrong

  • We understand who we serve, listen to them and act on their feedback

  • We challenge assumptions so we are fair and informed 

  • We acknowledge when we make mistakes and take responsibility for correcting them

  • We make sure that we deliver on the promises we make to those we serve, to our customers and to each other

  • We resolve issues fairly, quickly and professionally

  • We clearly communicate our actions and decisions

  • We seek others’ opinions and encourage people to challenge assumptions

  • We make information easy to understand

  • We lead by example, living by Serco’s Values and reflecting them in the decisions we make

  • We have the important conversations to achieve the right outcomes

  • We empower others by giving them responsibility and holding them to account

  • We create a no-blame culture by focusing on solutions not problems

  • We listen to complaints and resolve them effectively and in a timely way

  • We create a culture of openness, trust and transparency

  • We inspire and lead colleagues to anticipate and respond to the needs of those we serve

  • We stand by difficult decisions and openly acknowledge mistakes

  • We anticipate where we might struggle to deliver and take action in advance to avoid problems

  • We encourage open communication across Serco

  • We ensure our objectives are clearly aligned to Serco’s purpose and goals

  • We lead by example, and role model Serco’s values, inspiring colleagues and those we serve

  • We ensure decisions reflect our values and standards and take account of potential impact and are well informed

  • We hold people to account, but ensure they are treated fairly and consistently without fear of reprisal

  • We engage customers and colleagues and consult with relevant stakeholders when formulating strategies

  • When we make promises that we cannot keep

  • When we rush to provide solutions before listening to others’ needs and opinions

  • When we fail to keep customers and colleagues informed

  • When we are not straightforward and transparent

  • When we allow disrespectful or discriminatory behaviour

  • When we knowingly use Serco’s resources for personal gain

  • When we break mycode or the law

  • When we falsify or misrepresent information

  • When we ignore something wrong and don’t Speak Up

  • When we choose to ignore adverse criticism

  • When we blame others for mistakes we have made or things we have missed

  • When we shift our responsibilities onto others

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We care deeply about the services we provide and the communities we serve, and we look after each other.


We aspire to be better than anyone else at what we do.


We want to be proud of what we do.

Serco and proud

What makes our company special – a company people are really proud to be part of?