We care deeply about the services we provide and the communities we serve, and we look after each other
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We work together to deliver high-quality public services, often of great importance to the nation or the community. We take care of each other, and those we serve, and we aim to make a positive difference to people’s lives.
This is how we live our values and bring CARE to life.
We invite, listen to and respect the views of others inside and outside Serco
We’re conscious that we cannot do it all by ourselves and ask for help when necessary
We work well with people who have different ideas, perspectives and backgrounds
We understand how our behaviours can be interpreted and consider the impact they have on others
We understand the importance of others’ feelings and take time to appreciate the things that matter to them
We respect confidentiality and take the greatest care of personal data
We always use language that is appropriate and respectful
We treat others as they would want to be treated
We do everything we can to make a positive difference
We take the time to build effective relationships with customers, stakeholders, colleagues and partners
We are respectful of colleagues and those we serve
We support colleagues to fulfil their responsibilities and potential
We show compassion, care and empathy
We never tolerate discrimination or harassment
We encourage open feedback and debate
We give time to everyone who needs help, even when the pressure is on
We create an environment where colleagues feel safe and supported
We are aware of the needs of our customers and communities and discuss them with the team
We actively build relationships with customers and partners
We communicate with and involve those affected by our decisions and actions
We build an inclusive culture that values equality and removes barriers to belonging
We consider the impact on customers, communities, and the environment in everything that we do
When we blame others for our mistakes
When we show little sign of co-operating with colleagues
When we refuse to share information to maintain an advantage over others
When we deliberately exclude others from activities knowing they could benefit from being involved
When we ignore customer requests and don’t respond to their concerns
When we close down others by being judgemental, interrupting or talking-over them
When we ignore others’ opinions if they do not appear to be in line with our own
When we humiliate and intimidate others
When we are disrespectful, insensitive or unhelpful to customers
When we upset others by the manner we adopt
When we misuse customer or employee personal data