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Any information is confidential if it has value to Serco and is not publicly available.
That includes commercially sensitive information and intellectual property obtained from colleagues, customers and partners or marked as such.
But confidential information isn’t just commercial. It also includes any personal information and details that we hold in trust about anyone who works for us, or for anyone we care for and work with. If we allow confidential information to fall into the wrong hands, it can cause immense harm to individuals, to our company, our partners and customers.
So the task for all of us is to make sure none of it ever does. And in today’s hyper-connected world, that challenge is greater than ever. It means whenever we create or share or store confidential information, we need to be alert to the risks of it going astray. That way we ensure it only ever ends up in the right place.
Serco employees and suppliers have a responsibility to keep confidential information safe and make sure it never gets into the wrong hands.
What we expect from you
We expect you to:
safeguard the integrity and security of your systems.
comply with the provisions in our contracts and any legal requirements to protect commercial and sensitive information.
take all due care in handling, discussing or transmitting sensitive or confidential information. Holding our confidential information as confidential is a continuing obligation even after your assignment or contract with Serco has ended.
notify us immediately if you believe you have been given access to the company’s confidential information in error and refrain from further distribution.
inform us immediately you become aware of any cyber security incident that affects or has the potential to affect our or our customers’ data.
not disclose to anyone at Serco company information related to any other company if you are under contractual or legal obligation not to share that information.
What you can expect from us
We are committed to:
carefully assessing and managing the risks of any information we handle.
maintaining the confidentiality of customer and employee information unless they have given written consent, or the law requires or allows disclosure.
never falsifying, hiding, altering, or destroying records and accounts, unless approved to do so.
assigning a confidentiality marking classification when we create or receive information, and only sharing it with those who are entitled and permitted to receive it.
only sharing confidential information when authorised to do so and only where a signed non-disclosure agreement is in place.
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