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Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu

 July 2021 - August 2023

Serco Middle East provides asset management and operational transformation services to the entire City of Jubail in Saudi Arabia and will ensure compliance/accreditation with Expro is achieved.

Serco delivers consultancy work which includes the development of policies and procedures and implementation of an Enterprise Asset Management System. In addition, Serco is delivering a White Paper Smart-Sustainable-Digital-City Strategy Report and will work towards enabling the Royal Commission to achieve a range of Saudi Vision 2030 goals and set the standard for digitisation within the Kingdom. 

Three workstreams consisting of asset management and operational transformation experts will work in parallel to help implement advanced ways of working, whilst leveraging international best practices to enhance the way the City of Jubail is operated.

The office of the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu said about the partnership:

“We are very happy to be working with Serco to deliver this pivotal project within the city of Jubail. The Royal Commission for Jubail, Yanbu and Serco share similar values in the ways that we work together and we recognise their expertise in the field of operational transformation and enterprise asset management implementation. It is their expertise that has led us to select Serco as the right partner to help us achieve transformation and align Jubail to the Vision 2030 goals of the Kingdom.”

Serco’s ability to both consult and deliver limits the risk to our client, with heightened accountability from ourselves as a single operator. Royal Commission of Jubail and Yanbu will realise the benefits in terms of communication, output and efficiencies. Moreover, the integrity of data (and the value creation) is strengthened by reducing the number of parties across the supply chain.

To find out more about our design, consult, operate and deliver model read here: