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Serco and HSJ launch Commission on Hospital Care for Frail Older People

Published: 5 Nov 2013

Serco and the Health Service Journal have launched a commission to investigate and help improve hospital care for frail older people. The Commission is chaired by Dame Julie Moore, chief executive of University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation Trust

It will produce a scoping report early next year and a full report in autumn next year. It will also publish an updated report in March 2015 to inform debate ahead of the general election in May that year.

The commission aims to collect evidence on the care of frail older people and note whether and how it is deteriorating or improving. It will also highlight pressures that are undermining quality and identify and champion solutions.

HSJ is now inviting readers to submit evidence.

Commissioners include Serco Health director of strategic development John Myatt; Jenny Ritchie-Campbell, Macmillan Cancer Support director of cancer services and innovation; and David Oliver, consultant geriatrician and former national clinical director for older people. The two other members are King's Fund chief economist John Appleby and City University professor of nursing care for older adults Julienne Meyer.

Dame Julie said: "We all know we have an increasingly elderly population. But we have not yet developed sufficient and appropriate care in community settings and older people's homes to provide the kind of care we would all wish for when we are older.

"As we look ahead and see that in the short term the numbers of elderly people attending acute hospitals will not reduce (and will probably increase), then we all need to learn together ways we can improve the care we provide for our frail elderly.

"This is why I have agreed to chair this commission. Its main aim is to be practically useful. We will focus on how to ensure modern clinical practice can most appropriately meet older people's needs."