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Serco Launches £15,000 Fund for Good Causes in Canterbury District

Published: 16 Jul 2013

Canterbury City Council's environmental service partner Serco is launching the Waste Collection Guarantee (WCG) Fund for the charity, community and voluntary sector. Committing a minimum of £15,000 each year into the WCG Fund, Serco will share the money with three good causes that benefit the local communities of Canterbury district. Each of the selected groups will receive a guaranteed £5,000 a year for the next two years to deliver community projects or charitable activities.

Applications are now open so if you are a local charity, community or voluntary group, you can apply. Just complete the simple application form telling us what difference your charitable activity or project can make. It could be anything from addressing a health problem, delivering animal welfare, outreach work to disadvantaged people to redeveloping a community space. These are just a few ideas. The deadline for applications is Friday 2 August 2013 so get your application in as soon as you can.

Application forms have already been sent to those signed up to the council's Neighbourhood Development Team's E-News, so subscribers, look out for it in your inbox. If you are not on the Council's distribution list and would like to apply, email [email protected] to request an electronic or paper application form. You will also get a copy of the WCG Fund criteria so you can check if your organisation/group and the activity you want funding for is eligible.

Residents of Canterbury district can also get involved later this year when the WCG scheme launches to the public. Residents will be encouraged to register for the scheme and select one of the three chosen WCG causes.

The Waste Collection Guarantee promises local residents that in addition to the £15,000 fund, Serco will also donate the cost of missed bin collections!  This additional money will be allocated to the resident's chosen cause. More information about the WCG scheme and how residents can register will be available before the launch.

Closing Date for Applications: Midnight Friday 2 August 2013.
