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HMP Kilmarnock receives good HMIPS Inspection report

Published: 7 Oct 2014

Serco welcomes the very positive report on HMP Kilmarnock by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons for Scotland (HMIPS) that was published on 7 October 2014.  The comprehensive inspection of HMP Kilmarnock took place between 14 and 19 July 2014.

The inspection team was assisted by inspectors from Education Scotland and Healthcare Improvement Scotland. They reported that good progress had been made since the previous report in 2011.  The report highlighted that the 16 areas of good practice identified in 2011 continue to be implemented and that they had identified a further six more areas.  In addition they also made 11 recommendations for improvements mainly in healthcare.

The inspectors acknowledged that the prison's newly appointed Director Craig Thomson had brought a fresh perspective to its leadership and that there is a good relationship between staff and prisoners.  The report went on to say that there were examples of good engagement with families through family days and the support of third sector organisations. Improvements have also been made in the delivery of education and vocational training in terms of both quantity and quality of qualifications.

Craig Thomson Contract Director for HMP Kilmarnock said "We're delighted that HM Inspectors for Scotland have recognised the good work taking place and the positive impact this has had on those in our care and their likelihood of reoffending. I am very proud of how the team at Kilmarnock have taken forward the recommendations from the 2011 report and have continued to develop the areas of good practice. We have already begun implementing the report's recommendations in order to build on this success".