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Outsourcing is being transformed by the digital revolution

Published: 26 Mar 2014

New relationships and new commercial models are essential says Serco and Ember's latest whitepaper.

Just as the digital revolution continues to change the ground rules in customer engagement, it is also changing the shape and scope of customer management outsourcing. This is the key finding in a new Serco and Ember Services whitepaper which suggests a seismic shift is taking place in the perception of what outsourcing can deliver, how it needs to be contracted and how it should be assessed.

"I would go as far to say that any outsourcing decision made over two years ago is likely to be redundant and should be re-assessed in light of the Digital Revolution," says Mike Havard, Director of Ember Services, at the launch of the 'Outsourcing: Transformed by the Digital Revolution' whitepaper.

The Whitepaper highlights the evolving expectations of today's customers who choose to interact across multiple channels and expect their needs to be met at every touch point. And it demonstrates how such demands are creating new outsourcing relationships based on the behavioural shift required to accelerate the adoption and growth of new digital channels.

"Outsourced Service Providers with the capability and experience for truly transforming processes to deliver real change are setting the markers," comments Keith White, Service Solutions Delivery Director at Serco. "Those who can provide reassurance when driving the adoption of digital channels alongside customer-based efficiencies are leading the move towards more compelling outcome-based commercial models - where a client is optimising the potential for service transformation and the outsourcer is incentivised to deliver it."

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"The Digital Revolution is not a one-off event," continues Mike Havard. "It is, by its very nature, a dynamic and ongoing experience - and the goalposts are always on the move. It is in this context that the outsourcing world is being turned on its head, as target outcomes are driven by agility, the ability to invest in new technologies and new approaches to customer engagement - and, of course, the sharing of risks."

The 'Outsourcing: Transformed by the Digital Revolution' whitepaper was presented to industry analysts and advisers at a special event at The National Theatre on 26 March and is available online:  


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