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Serco extends Milton Keynes environmental services contract and adds new services

Published: 1 Jul 2014

Serco, one of the UK's leading environmental services providers, has extended its recycling, waste and street cleansing contract with Milton Keynes Council for a further four years, under a new contract valued at a total of £48m. 

Separately, Serco has also been awarded a new five-year contract (which has the possibility of being extended to ten years) to manage the Council's landscape maintenance and associated services from November this year, worth a further £10m.

Serco's understanding and support for the Council's 'Localism Agenda' was key to its success in securing this new contract. The company put forward a number of innovative proposals, including a commitment to working with small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the local area and undertaking initiatives to support the community.

Under the new contract, Serco will subcontract 35% of services to local businesses, giving them the opportunity to be involved in delivering important local services to the community whilst also supporting local employment.  For example, arboriculture services will be provided by Steve Dear Tree Services under Serco's management. Serco will also be working with Parish and Town Councils and local communities to further enhance the service.

Serco will work with its supplier Wastebusters and the Council to develop and implement an Environmental Education Programme to all schools in the Borough. The Programme will provide school children key stage 1 & 2 (ages 5 - 11) with educational support on waste and recycling.  Serco will also be providing purpose built textile banks through its supplier LM Barry and all income generated from the scheme (net of operating costs) will go to the Council.

Serco's innovative Waste Collection Guarantee (WGC) will also be introduced in Milton Keynes under the new contract.  The WCG is Serco's unique service pledge to the local community which includes an annual donation of £15,000 to support environmental awareness and education to which Serco will add the cost of any missed bin collections - should any be missed.

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Mike Boult, Managing Director of Serco's Direct Services business, said: "We are delighted that Milton Keynes Council has selected Serco to deliver waste services to local residents for another four years and to expand our delivery of important services to the community. Our track record in delivering vital community services here in Milton Keynes has helped us to understand and prioritise the needs of the local residents and business in conjunction with the Council. We look forward to continuing and growing our relationship with Andy Hudson and the Milton Keynes team as we deliver these new and exciting services together."

Andy Hudson, Head of Environment and Waste at Milton Keynes Council, added:  "Our experience of working with Serco as our waste collection and street cleansing partner has been extremely positive and we're delighted to be able to extend that contract for a further four years. The addition of the landscape maintenance contract, which includes grass cutting, planting and weed control within parks and open spaces, is expected to save the council up to £250,000 per year, as well as introducing better methods of working to improve how our green spaces are maintained when the landscaping team join the current environmental services operation."


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