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Serco statement on Glasgow Court of Sessions decision

Published: 12 Apr 2019

Commenting on the decision by the Court of Session in Glasgow, Julia Rogers, Managing Director of Serco’s Immigration business, said:

“Serco notes today’s decision by the Court of Session confirming our right to repossess property occupied by people whose claim for asylum has been determined by the UK Government, but who nevertheless refuse to move on when asked to do so.  In August 2018 we said that we unreservedly welcomed the legal challenge as it would enable all parties to clarify what was at that point an untested area of Scottish law.  Today we have that clarity, and we are pleased that the Court of Session has confirmed our views on the legal position.”

“Serco will not be taking any immediate action as a consequence of this decision, but will now discuss with the Home Office, Glasgow City Council and our other partners how best to proceed, given that there continues to be a very significant number of people in Glasgow whose claim for asylum has been refused by the UK Government and who are continuing to receive the benefit of free accommodation, paid for by Serco, some for months, even years.”