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NorthLink Ferries team raises more than £6,000 for good cause

Published: 27 Jan 2020

Team members from Serco NorthLink Ferries are celebrating after raising an astonishing £6,636.12 for The Brain Tumour Charity over the last year.

Employees raised the funds after a successful year of fundraising activities ranging from sponsored walks, raffles and sweepstakes.

The Serco NorthLink Ferries team have been involved in fundraising and those from MV Hjaltland have regularly been joined by colleagues from across the fleet and ferry terminals.

Kathryn Fullerton, passenger services supervisor and charity fundraising leader, said: “I’m incredibly proud of everyone that has been involved throughout 2019 to raise such a fantastic amount for The Brain Tumour Charity.

“One of our colleagues nominated the charity as it was special to them and it’s been a lot of fun to do so many varied activities and help support.”

2020 will see the crew raise funds for another cause that is close to the hearts of the team. This year, it is hoped that the crew will be able to reach an overall £40,000 fundraising milestone. So far, donations have helped benefit at least eight charity and community causes.