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Skills and Employability Transforming lives and growing local economies through upskilling and reskilling citizens

Serco Skills and Employability is a reliable and results-driven impact partner for government in the Skills and Employability sector.

We have deep knowledge and extensive experience delivering quality skills and employment programmes, through tailored and adaptable solutions.

We provide a seamless journey to citizens to upskill or reskill them into meaningful, sustained and enhanced employment and income by integrating employability and skills programmes with funding.

Learners supported
Learners from under-represented groups
Progressed in qualifications or work
School business professionals progressed
Special Educational Needs Coordinators trained
Businesses’ employees upskilled

How we can help you

Vocational skills training

For citizens looking to find work, advance in their existing role or switch to a new career.

Skills for employers

Supporting businesses to upskill their employees, enabling them to grow and boost the local economy.


Delivering a range of apprenticeships for those in the Education, Employability and Information, Advice and Guidance sectors.

Serco training and recruitment solutions

A tailored service for businesses designed to provide a pool of high-quality job candidates that have undergone pre-employment training to prepare them for the business’ needs.

Delivering through our own capabilities and through a network of expert training partners, our Skills and Employability programmes engage thousands of citizens every year to enhance their lives through learning and development and greater access to employment opportunities, whilst contributing to our local and central government clients’ strategic objectives to boost local economies.

Colm Croskery
Head of Employment and Skills

Why Serco?

Expert service design and delivery

We design and deliver tailored skills and employment programmes mapped to local, regional and national economic goals.

Systems and technology

Our delivery is supported by robust, secure systems and technology to facility programme delivery.

A safe pair of hands

Serco is an established global enterprise able to deliver at scale in multiple geographies.

Deep knowledge and understanding

With a proven track record in providing training and employability support to individuals, we help develop the skills needed in the workforce to contribute to sustainable employment as well as employer and industry needs.

Team members talking around a table

Further information

For more information on our Skills and Employability delivery:

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